Tuesday, March 9, 2010


When we moved into our home about 10 years ago the county was a very homogenous white middle class community. Over the years this has changed. This week I talked to a girl from the Philippines, visited with my Brazilian friend, hugged my African American friend, waved at my Japanese neighbor as she walked past and shared stories about Uraguay over dinner with a friend who loved visiting the country with her grandmother. The list goes on and on. When I first moved in the neighborhood it was much like moving into my new home that was painted builders beige. My home became mine only when colors were added. So it is with my life. I need more than a homogenous community. I need and love the diversity that is occurring around me.

To quote Danny Kaye, "Life is like a great big canvas and you should throw all the paint on it you can."


  1. This is a favorite...There is such great beauty in diversity.......

  2. I am enjoying reading your coments. Thanks for sharing. I also want you to know how much we love Erica. What a blessing she is in our lives.
