Friday, September 9, 2011


Bugs and mushrooms are a favorite of mine. I think they are fun to put on a child's card or scrapbook page. I remember a book I used to read to my children. It was about a little bug that hid under a mushroom to get out of the rain. Along came another insect or small animal and asked to share the space. Each time the bug would say "I don't think it is big enough but I will share." Once the rain stopped even a bunny rabbit had found room under the mushroom since the mushroom grew in the rain. So today I drew a bug house in honor of one of my favorite books. I wish I could remember the title.

Now, how will I color the mushroom? Bright colors or dull browns and greys. Hummmm


  1. It's called Mushroom in the Rain, and it's by Mirra Ginsburg. I found it by googling "children's book mushroom".

  2. I love this! You are so talented.
