Tuesday, July 27, 2010


So National Parent’s Day has come and gone and if I wasn’t a read the funny’s kind of person I wouldn’t have known about the day. I’m not sure about the purpose of this day. Is this a day to celebrate your mother and father still being together? Since you are old enough to buy the card to celebrate the day is this a wake up call reminding them that their job is never done?

Why do we need a special day for parents? Don’t we have Mothers Day and Fathers Day? After all parents choose to be parents. Some choose to do it alone. They are a parent but do they qualify for Parents day since it is plural? Mothers do get more attention than fathers so is this a day to make sure that things are equal?
All in all I think this is a risky holiday, if indeed it is a holiday. I think its best to pretend you have never heard of the day and stick to Mothers Day and Fathers Day.

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