Saturday, July 10, 2010


Many years ago a man by the name of Henry David Thoreau went to live at Walden Pond. For two years he worked to simplify his life; building his cabin and growing his own food. Not wanting to be a hermit he visited the town of Concord almost daily, inviting old and new friends to visit him at his humble home.

Without a clock or calendar to remind him to be busy, Thoreau learned to focus on time through the growth of plants and the behaviors of animals. Being detached from worldliness and possessions he used this time to reflect, heal and to decide what his life was all about.

There are times I would like to do as Thoreau and escape from an overly complex life. It isn’t possible to escape but it is possible to simplify my life and thoughts. Looking at my home I find every surface, nook and cranny filled with things. Some have wonderful memories. Others are things I used at one time and no longer find useful, or received as a gift and hold dear because of those who gave them to me.

My thoughts are like my possessions. As I clear out my thoughts I find simple conversations and knowledge means more than complex speculation. I find joy in hearing about others good actions and successes rather than the headlines in the news. I have time to sorrow with those who are sad and to encourage and listen. Yes, I need to spend more time living at the Walden Pond I have created.

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