Saturday, May 21, 2011

May 22, 1946

There are milestones in our lives that shouldn't be forgotten. One of them is the magical age of 65. This is the age where you are officially old. You have senior status. Everyone from airlines to eating establishments give you a discount. The fashion police drop most laws for you. No one cares that you are wearing sneakers when casual shoes are required by everyone else. A rumpled shirt is passable. Grey is acceptable in the hair department. You find humor in many things that others are much too serious about. Friends have greater importance and you find they are aging much faster than you. There is nothing better than an evening with family.

Today, I want to wish the love of my life a Happy Birthday. And to show how much I love you there will be no birthday party. Just a private celebration with family. Here's to the next 20. Love Lorrie

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