Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Yesterday we attended a funeral for Kent’s law partner. His association with Charles A. Seigel has been daily for 36 years. That is a long time. So many people we have known for 36 years were there. It was good to see them and to visit with them. Time to catch up on the lives of those we lost track of. Ask about their children, jobs, spouses and health. Everyone had gotten older. Funerals are such an unusual occasion for being with people.

Normally, I don’t like funerals. I liked this funeral. There was no congregational singing or long sermons. I liked the scriptures that were used. The family and friends didn’t get up and talk about Charles. There was a eulogy given by a son. It was dignified as a funeral should be. I especially liked the tenderness the Rabbi showed to the family. I liked the closed casket.

I liked that one of the daughters was having a gathering at her home in the afternoon. Food would be served and people could come to visit, give and receive comfort. I especially liked that there was no funeral potatoes, green beans with cream of mushroom soup or over cooked ham. When I die I want a funeral like this one.

1 comment:

  1. Noted. Now let's make sure that day is so far off that we forget this recommendation/request! ~BAM
