Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I have always admired those who dedicate their lives to service of others. I think “how wonderful to be selfless. To not care about being paid for what you do.” As I think about this I realize that I know a lot of people who are selfless. This past Saturday 71,000 individuals walked or ran for the Komen Race for a Cure. Some of them were friends. When a neighbor died everyone in the neighborhood went over to clean their house, laundry  and yard work. A wonderful meal was prepared and someone sat at the house during the funeral. Meals were taken to friends who had babies. A group from my church made specially designed pillows for breast cancer patient’s at the hospital. My sisters-in-law care for their 91 year old mother. A brother and his son are volunteer fire fighters.  Groups clean up the roadside. Shelters are keep in business by those who come and work with animals who are abandoned or abused.
As I look around I realize that selfless service is everywhere. Most people never make the news or are nominated for an award, but their service is just as important.

Why do people give service? I remember hearing one individual say she was not going to take a meal to anyone who had a baby. They had 9 months to fix extra meals and put them in the freezer. They shouldn’t be looking for a handout because they were unprepared. I have thought about that statement many times. I guess the reason I give service is I like the way it makes me feel. I like sharing those personal moments with people. I give because I can’t always help family who live far away. I hope as I give to someone else’s family someone will be giving to mine. To quote my sister “what goes around, comes around.” I am so happy to be part of a serving community.

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