Thursday, February 3, 2011


I have heard horror stories of couples having a miserable retirement because they couldn’t stand being together day after day. I have wondered how Kent and I would do. We are so different. When something needs to be done Kent stays with the job until it is done. He is methodical in how he works. I however, am rather easily distracted. I enjoy beginning and ending a task. The space in between the start and finish is best described as random.

On Sunday night we realized that a storm of Biblical proportions was coming. Kent decided he needed to work on Monday so we drove downtown to his office. I rode shotgun and my primary responsibility was to keep Kent from succumbing to sleep. With brief case and files in hand we were prepared for the winter storm.

The storm was big but not as bad as anticipated. None the less ever thing in St. Louis, including grocery stores, closed except for essential businesses. After three days Kent continues to work from home. As anticipated he is not easily distracted from acquiring those billable hours. His brief is ready to file, meetings have been planned, communication has continued and most important we are still in love.

I was surprised at how well we worked together. I didn’t have computer time but it was enjoyable to work in the same office all day. I enjoyed sleeping late, having casual conversations, watching the winter storm and having lunches together. I think we are going to ace this retirement thing when it comes.

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