Tuesday, March 22, 2011


My thoughts this week have been on becoming. Others might call it setting goals but I am not really a goal setter and heaven forbid you ask me to make a New Year’s Resolution. My thoughts have been more on how we become what we want to be. The idea is to make choices that are consistent with what we want to be in the end. It is those small every day choices that determine the end result.

When I was young I desired to be important and to have recognition. I think this is fairly normal in a young person. However, it is that seeking to achieve the grand and important that keeps us from becoming a true hero. Again it is in the small every day acts that greatness is achieved.

I know I wasn’t a great mother but by all the small acts of mothering I have great children. I certainly wasn’t a great reader but when I look at the books I have read over the years I have read a great amount of good books. I haven’t ever rushed into traffic and saved a child but my life’s work quietly rescued many people. I know that for most of the people I have met I have already been forgotten but for a few I will always be remembered. I think that is all anyone can really want out of life.

1 comment:

  1. I've said this so many times but wow- your wisdom is such a blessing in my life!
