Thursday, March 17, 2011


We may look at someone and admire who or what they are. We may even covet their talents and skills. This upward comparison can be damaging or it can be a motivator for good. A true principle that I many times fail to remember is we become what we want to be by acting as if we are all ready there. If I admire my friends cooking skills I can act as if I already am a good cook. If I want to have a wonderful garden I can act as if I am prepared to be a gardener. If I want to take part in a marathon I can begin thinking like a participant.

What does that mean? Cooking skills are developed over a life time. I can’t use the Professor Harold Hill’s think method but I can plan and prepare foods in a way that would help me develop into a better cook. With gardening, indoors or out I can talk to others, read and prepare my soil and plants now when the ground is still frozen. The best athletes start by making exercising part of their routine. I can do the same.

With the upward comparison of character I can act as if I am the person I want to be. I don’t have to look at the past and think that is going to predict my future. If I have a habit I dislike then I need to act as if that isn’t a habit of mine. Yes, I might fall back into old ways but I can consistently be what I want to be until I am that person. I have to remember to never listen to naysayers who want to remind me of who I used to be. My destiny is my own.

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