Friday, December 10, 2010


It’s time again for my annual physical and mammogram. I really like my doctor and I especially like that she is younger than me so she will be around for a long time. I have had my share of doctors who are suffering from burnout and the last thing they want to do is listen to you and your problems. Dr. Scale is different. She is cheerful, compassionate and treats you like you are the most important patient she has. Best of all she listens to what you say.

I am surprised at how childlike I am around Dr. Scale. Because I feel she cares I am from willing to take all those tests I dislike, such as bone density tests, mammograms, etc. Even though I know they are important I can put them off but don’t because I know Dr. Scale will be checking her records to see the results.

I guess you could say I am giving myself a Christmas Present by having a good doctor who makes me take better care of myself. What could be better?

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